Learn how to (actually) do privacy by design for International Privacy Day!

How to make sure ‘the kids are alright’ at your organization

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Anyone watching the privacy news of late would tell you there’s gaining momentum to better regulate children’s privacy in the U.S. Congress is considering revising COPPA, as well as passing the Kids Online Safety Act, which would impose privacy-by-design requirements. In the meantime, the FTC continues to probe companies potentially misusing children’s data. In this webinar, you’ll take away strategies and operational tactics to be sure the data you’re collecting and processing on children doesn’t put your organization at risk.

  • The latest on legal and regulatory developments related to children’s privacy.
  • How to align privacy with product and engineering to avoid risky product builds before it’s too late.
  • How to maintain a program that mitigates risk for the entire data lifecycle.

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Expert Privacy Panel:

Angelique Carson

Director of Content Strategy @


Linnette Attai

President @

PlayWell LLC

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