Learn how to (actually) do privacy by design for International Privacy Day!

How to prepare for new U.S. state law requirements on sensitive data

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State laws and regulators have recently adopted a more muscular approach to enforcing limits on children’s data, and sensitive data in general. Sure, you may have a policy in place stating you’re compliant, but do you know what’s really happening to your sensitive data once your teams release a new feature? In this webinar, learn about the strategies you should employ to gain visibility into the full data lifecycle — from ideation to implementation — so you can remain vigilant, react quickly, and automate risk-flagging and triaging to ensure you're never caught off guard.

  • Why having a single source of truth for how data flows in and out of your business is important, and how to create one that integrates with the tools your business already uses.
  • How collaboration between privacy and security lowers your overall risk profile.
  • How automation can help you future-proof your privacy program.

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Expert Privacy Panel:

Angelique Carson

Director of Content Strategy @


Anthony Prestia

Head of Privacy @


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