Learn how to (actually) do privacy by design for International Privacy Day!

Three simple steps to future-proof your privacy program

Live webinar Wednesday, May 8, 11 AM PT | 2 PM ET

There’s one constant thing: Change. In the privacy profession, that means emerging AI technologies, the steady drumbeat of new state privacy laws, and the latest FTC enforcement actions. But there’s good news: You don’t have to react constantly. By implementing minor but foundational adjustments like establishing a single source of truth for what’s happening with data flows at your organization, flagging risks before it’s too late, and breaking down silos between technical and privacy teams, you can insulate your privacy program from the chaos-inducing changes to come.

At this panel discussion with Ancestry’s Steve Stalder, and TerraTrue VP of Privacy Anthony Prestia, learn:
  • How to get the visibility you need on your organization’s data flows without herding cats and manually managing hundreds of spreadsheets.
  • How to run a privacy-by-design program that speeds up the pace of business without introducing risk.
  • How to avoid blind spots while moving fast and ensure nothing slips through the cracks.

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Expert Privacy Panel:

Anthony Prestia

VP Privacy @


Steve Stalder

Staff, Privacy Operations Manager @


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