Learn how to (actually) do privacy by design for International Privacy Day!

How to avoid the FTC in 2024

Read the white paper

In this post-Dobbs era, the FTC is bringing enforcement cases where sensitive data is used in ways the agency considers to be unfair.

In the Kochava case, the agency alleged the data broker was selling information that could disclose users’ locations, including at places of worship or doctor’s offices. But there are ways Kochava could have prevented some of this risk.

In this white paper, we’ll talk about the Kochava case – which demonstrates the FTC’s interest on enforcing new norms around sensitive data – and what it indicates privacy pros should lean into as 2024 approaches.

  • How to work with your product, engineering, and security teams to avoid FTC scrutiny.
  • How to lower your risk profile on activities the FTC could deem “unfair” to consumers.
  • Where you can use technology to mitigate risk around potentially sensitive data.


Download the white paper

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